World wide, some 25-30% of the causes of couples failing to achieve a successful pregnancy can be laid at the door of the man. And indications are that this proportion will rise over the next few years. Male infertility problems cause men a great deal of angst. Because it makes them inadequate. Somehow they have failed both as a man and as a romantic partner. Men can feel the same down as women do. The sexes are the same in that respect. But while women can and do chat about it with their friends, men tend to keep everything to themselves. They are reluctant to talk about their feelings because the ability to father a child is closely tied to who they are as a man.
Men may respond to male infertility in different ways. Some may like to focus on work, or sports, Others may decide to even retire from the world. Because they need to do something, anything, to combat an occurrence over which they have no control. Alternatively, their inner turmoil may show itself as displays of anger, moodiness, or even depression. The main difference between men and women dealing with the question of infertility is that men are generally reluctant to even talk about it. they try to deal with the problem on their own. They believe they are the only one this has happened to. But the statistics show how wrong they are. So they remain not knowing that there are many other men experiencing the same difficulty. Other men who are also having to accept if only for the present, maybe indefinitely, they are unable to father a child. Some men even link their inability to become a father with their manhood, so their self-esteem suffers.
Many things can impact on a man’s sperm production. Stress, especially long-term emotional stress, can lead to the inability to father a child. Other problems may be health-related, such as a blockage or maybe some form of nutritional deficit. The prevailing temperature may even affect men who want to achieve fatherhood. One study conducted at a New York University involved men who use a laptop sitting on their knees. This study concluded that when a man’s testicles are subjected to elevated temperatures caused by heat emanating from their laptops, they experienced almost a halving of their sperm count. The test results showed the count was actually almost halved from what it would normally be. Likewise, regular use a hot tub or sauna can cause infertility.Other tests have shown that men working deep underwater over long periods of time find they are unable to father a male child. They can father daughters, just not sons.
Prostate cancer or even some deficiency in the way the prostate works will affect a man’s ability to father a child. Retroactive ejaculation, which occurs when the sperm is transferred into the bladder rather than pursuing its proper course, is yet another. Exposure to environmental hazards such as lead and pesticides can affect fertility levels. Clearly a major consideration in our modern society. Men can have a semen analysis done by qualified urologist. This will let you know what, if any, physical ailments exists that need to be dealt with.
Getting educated is a clear must in dealing with male infertility causes. There are as many causes of male infertility as there are solutions. But no man can come to grips with something that they don’t understand. Getting a complete physical checkup is another obvious move. step. Ruling out any underlying health problems that may exist. Things like being over-weight or even underweight. Medical conditions like a dysfunctional thyroid. Diabetes will certainly have a negative effect on a man’s fertility.
Think about using Chinese medicine, methods. These techniques, that have been around for centuries,focus on the whole person, and not just the effect. Chinese medicine believes in correcting the underlying cause of the problem and not just its final outcome, in this case the causes of male infertility.