Are you considering having a baby at age 40 but have been informed by your doctor that your reproductive days have almost come to an end? Do you know that world over more and more women are now choosing to start their family when they hit the age of 40? Don’t panic because of what your doctor has advised you- in the present age trying to get pregnant at 40 and having a healthy baby is definitely possible.
Doctors may because of your age offer different alternatives like donor eggs or IVF. However if you are seriously trying to get pregnant at 40 you must try to conceive on your own by making use of natural strategies.
Start by keeping a track of your ovulation pattern. Tracking ovulation will give you optimal chance each month to get pregnant. The window of time to get pregnant every month is limited. Once you ovulate, the eggs normally survive for approximately a day. Sperm, on the other hand, can survive for up to three to five days. Hence having sex two to three days before ovulation will increase your chances of having a baby at age 40.
While trying to get pregnant pay particular attention to your diet. Eat a healthy diet consisting organically grown fruit and vegetables. It is also necessary to take supplements such as folic acid, selenium, zinc and B-complex plus B6 for six months to boost fertility. These supplements will help in proper formation of the baby’s spine and ensure that there are no genetic abnormalities in the unborn baby.
Exercise is another important aspect for rich, oxygenated blood to nourish the ovaries and eggs. Similarly your male partner must also exercise to improve the sperm production and its quality.
Stress is capable of causing hormonal imbalance and interferes with the normal reproductive system of a woman. Hence you must find ways to relax when you are considering having a baby at age 40 trying to get pregnant. Yoga and meditation are very useful in this regard.
Smoking and drinking can impact your fertility and harm the unborn baby. Similarly abstain from smoking and drinking while trying to conceive since it reduces fertility and can also harm your baby. Stay away from drinks or foods which contain caffeine.
Trying to get pregnant at 40 is very much possible if you are physically fit and mentally prepared for it. Follow simple natural strategies and remedies to help having baby at age 40. Natural remedies are absolutely safe for use and do not cause any adverse side effects.
Source by Andrea San