Low back pain is a major problem for many people and special tables have been designed to help to solve this problem. An Inversion Table is specifically designed with the aim of reducing low back pain, through the Inversion Therapy. However, by assuming that inversion is a simply back pain remedy would ignore a wide range of benefits that can be easily achieved by a passive, or more active, inversion session.
The main benefits of using an Inversion Table are:
–Spinal Decompression: the spinal cord is always under great pressure as a result of gravity and inversion therapy reverses the situation allowing the spinal cord to relax. Many people cannot do headstands or handstands and that is why the gravity tables were invented to help in solving this problem.
–Neck Pain Relief: neck pain is due to muscle contraction. Inversion helps to relax muscles in the neck and shoulders therefore reducing neck pain
–Joint Function: all the major joints are negatively affected by gravity. Inversion can open up these joints, stretching the ligaments and tendons
– Body Flexibility: the muscles in the back, hamstrings and hips are stretched during an inversion session. This can improve the body flexibility
–Postural Improvement: inversion can reduce a hip misalignment that can cause postural problems
–Increase Focus and Concentration: inversion causes an increase in the oxygen supplied to the brain and therefore improves the focus and concentration
Some people say that inversion is a new form of Yoga because the exercise makes your mind, body and soul to be in harmony. Gravity inversion allows your central nervous system to completely relax and this is actually the best form of relaxing.
It is advisable to avoid full inversion if you are using the tables for the first time. Beginners should tilt the table gradually until they get used to being in an upside down position. The major advantage of an Inversion Table is that it can be adjusted gradually as you get used to the new experience. The amount of time that one spends doing this exercise depends on the table comfort levels.
The Inversion Tables were normally used at therapy centers to carry out Inversion Therapy, but nowadays several models that can also be used at home can be found in the market. In this case the guidelines for using the table should be strictly followed to avoid accidents or complications. Pregnant women and people with medical conditions such as high blood pressure, eye diseases and bone weakness should not be allowed to use these tables.
To know something more on this subject go to http://www.ironman-gravity-4000.homefitnessequipmentblog.com.